hii ni historia fupi ya isaac gregory ka nilivyoitoa katika mitandao mbalimbali unaweza ukaitafsiri kama ukipenda ...'..Isaac Gregory born in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky November 8 1841 [and] was eleven years of age when brought to Texas by his parents. He attended school in Kentucky and finished in the log schoolhouses of pioneer Texas, where he became familiar with the dirt floor and the puncheon floor of the old schoolhouses, and sat on the split log benches without backs. [Though] the terms of such schools were short and the teachers inferior, [and] he did not finish his schooling until after his service in the Confederate Army, he acquired a fairly complete and satisfactory education.
[When] he reached his majority, he enlisted in February 1862 in the Confederate Army, joining Company C of Col. McCord's regiment of Texas Rangers. The rendezvous of this command was in Montague County on Red River. Indian raids upon the settlements made it necessary for the troops to remain on the frontier and Mr. Gregory was never in the great theater of the war between the north and south
His command was stationed near Fort Belknap until the final surrender. He participated in several combats with Indians. On Christmas Day 1863, his comrades overtook a band of Comanche on Fish Creek, while thirty two soldiers waged a unequal conflict from which the soldiers had to retire as best they could against 165 Indians
Again on January 8, 1865 a band of Indians on Dove Creek in Tom Green County was attacked by McCord's rangers, resulting in one of the hottest engagements in frontier annals. After several hours of fighting the soldiers were forced to retreat with the loss of several men. Mr. Gregory [was] in the battle and in the absence of beef he participated in the feast on the carcasses of seven Spanish ponies killed.
After the war was over he continued in frontier service as a member of a company of minutemen and was subject to call at various times when the community was menaced by hostile raids. Indians continued their stealing and killing expeditions for a number of years, and Mr. Gregory was called the last time in October 1878.
In the meantime he had devoted himself to the serious duties of a civilian farmer in the community where he had grown up. For half a century he has been one of the leading farmers and stockman of his community, and builder of Cooke County. His home is nineteen miles southwest of Gainesville, and adjacent to Clear Creek, where he has created a farm consisting of over six hundred acres, almost half of it under cultivation. His livestock comprises of sheep, horses and cattle. He is director of the First National Bank of Valley View.
After the war he united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and served as elder of the Mount Olivet Congregation.
On November 8, 1868 he united in marriage in Denton County to Miss Mary E. Copenhaver, and they were companions in home and all interests for more than forty years until the death of Mrs. Gregory on September 21, 1909. She was born in St. Clair County, Missouri on September 12, 1849, the daughter of Benjamin F. and Margaret (Criger) Copenhaver, who came to Texas about 1860. Her brother John F. Copenhaver is now a resident of Oklahoma.
I the declining years of his life Mr. Isaac Gregory is comforted by the presence of both his children and grandchildren, a number of who still live in his home community. His children ar
John William, the oldest, a resident of Valley View
James F., died in Gregory Settlement leaving no children
Martha A. is the wife of John Ratliff, [who] resides in Lone Wolf, OK
Margaret J., the wife of W.H. Davis, [who] resides Aransas Pass, TX
Joseph Edward, a farmer on the old homestead; married Daisy Waggoner; they have three children, Richard, Edith and Lowell
Laura Belle, the wife of Luther Atcheson of Sidell, TX
Robert Bruce lives at Orland, CA
Charles Monroe has his home at Hood, TX
Thomas J. remains on the homestead f
Mary Eunice, the wife of John McFarland, a farmer on the Gregory estate
Edna Florence, the youngest, is the wife of Sam Flint of Cleburne, TX
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