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Friday, August 27, 2010
jama have breaking news ila ichukulieni poa kwani yamepita
steve used to say...kila mtu ana uamuzi wake binafsi nilikua nipo kimahusiano na msichana aitwa zaynab ila ilikua nipo mbali nae ila tulidumu katika mahusiano kwa miaka mitatu na sasa rasmi jana amenimbia nijue hamsini zangu kwakua tayari anaempenda ambaye bila shaka yupo karibu nae duh sikuhisi vizuri ila one atatmani kuwa karibu na steve ila hataweza tena i believe that coz nilkua naplani nae ya kumuoa kabisa ila ndio hivyo ame miss luck kupata mtu wa kuoa kwasasa ni vigumu jamani ila mimi na zay tena ndio basi natamka rasmi simpendi tena zay labda kama ninavyowapenda wetu wengine kama rafiki nk.. ipo siku nitapata wakua karibu nae na pia naamini ataikumbuka nafasi nilompa na kamwe hatoipata tena ... bye zay my heart is far away to you now if you love me now please go to hell.... let me a live ..soryy if it may hut you....
Che alikua ni nguli wa kupigania ukombozi wa watu wa kolombia na alikua anafanya vita na serikali huku akipingwa vikalia na wamarekani ambao ndio walio pelekea kifo chake baada ya kukamatwa msituni yapo mengi kuhusu yeye kama unataka nitakutumia historia yake na kama upo poa nipe email yako nitakutumia binafsi mimi na wewe..............
Story yake kwa ufupi.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (1928-1967) was an Argentine physician
and revolutionary who played a key role in the Cuban Revolution. He
also served in the government of Cuba after the communist takeover
before leaving Cuba to try and stir up rebellions in Africa and South
America. He was captured and executed by Bolivian security forces in
1967. Today, he is considered by many to be a symbol of rebellion and
idealism, while others see him as a murderer.
Early Life
Guevara Joins the Cuban Revolution
In late September 1954, Guevara travelled to Mexico City, where most of his revolutionary friends were heading. Guevara found work, moved in with Hilda, and spent time talking to his revolutionary friends. Then, in June 1955, Raul Castro (Fidel Castro’s younger brother) fled Cuba and arrived in Mexico City. Through Guevara’s Cuban friends, Guevara met Raul upon his arrival. Guevara then asked Raul over for dinner. The two began talking and found they had much in common. A couple of weeks later, Fidel Castro fled Cuba and arrived in Mexico City. Shortly after his arrival, Guevara met Fidel and later that same night, went out to dinner with both Castro brothers. While at dinner, Fidel asked Guevara to join his revolutionary movement to overthrow the government of Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. Guevara immediately accepted.Shortly after Guevara joined Fidel’s revolutionary force, Hilda discovered she was pregnant. Doing the “honorable thing,” Guevara married Hilda on August, 18, 1955. On February 15, 1956, their daughter, Hilda, was born. Despite now having a wife and family, Guevara was still determined to go with Fidel to Cuba.
While waiting for the day of the revolution to begin, Guevara and other trusted Cuban exiles began training and preparing for guerrilla warfare.
Starting a Revolution in Bolivia
After the failed effort in the Congo, Guevara decided to organize a revolution in Bolivia. In November 1966, Che arrived in Bolivia disguised as a balding, middle-aged Uruguayan businessman named Adolfo Mena Gonzalez. Once safely within Bolivia, Guevara quickly shed that disguise and got to work on the revolution. Since, the bulk of Guevara’s initial revolutionary force was Peruvian and Cuban, it was imperative that Guevara get a decent number of Bolivians to support the revolutionary cause as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Guevara was never able to do this. Guevara’s first hope was to get the support of the Bolivian Communists; however, after Che refused to let the leader of Bolivia’s Communist Party take control of the entire revolution, the Bolivian Communists wanted nothing to do with Guevara.Guevara’s second hope was to appeal to Bolivian peasants to support the revolutionary cause. This also failed once the Bolivian government began a very effective propaganda campaign that emphasized the internationality of Guevara’s rebels and blamed these foreigners for bringing Castro-led Communism into their country. The patriotic peasants were thus not willing to help these outsider rebels.
Everything else went badly for Guevara in Bolivia. The most damaging development came when the Bolivian government discovered Guevara's presence in their country as well as his general location before Guevara had time to establish himself.
By March 1967, the Bolivian army was actively pursuing Guevara’s small group of revolutionaries, following them so closely that Guevara was unable to maintain a base camp. Constantly on the run and suffering from a severe asthma attack, Guevara was unable to muster an attack or a retreat. Hunted, Guevara’s group became splintered and many were captured or killed.
Che Guevara Captured and Executed
The next day, the order to execute Che Guevara was given by the president of Bolivia. At 1:10 p.m. on October 9, 1967, Sergeant Mario Teran, a Bolivian soldier who had volunteered for the job, shot Guevara with a semiautomatic rifle.
Che Guevara was dead at age 39.
Guevara After Death
At first, the Bolivians placed Guevara’s body on top of a concrete washbasin and let both soldiers and locals view his remains. Pictures were taken. Some people even cut off locks of Guevara’s hair as good luck keepsakes. Before he was to be buried, the Bolivians sawed off Guevara’s hands and placed them in formaldehyde hoping to use them as proof of Guevara’s death.
On October 11, 1967, the Bolivians secretly buried Guevara’s hand-less body in a secret grave. For three decades, the location of Guevara’s grave remained a closely kept secret.
In July 1997, Guevara’s skeleton and those of six other revolutionaries were located near the Vallegrande airstrip in southern Bolivia and returned to Cuba for reburial. In October of that year, Guevara and his companions were buried in Santa Clara, the city where he had won a decisive victory in the Cuban Revolution in 1958.
Despite the failure of attempted revolution in the Congo and in Bolivia, Guevara has had a brilliant afterlife as the symbol of a dedicated revolutionary, willing to sacrifice his life for the oppressed of the world. Ironically, his image has been turned into a commodity by the very capitalistic system he sought to overturn, reproduced on countless posters and on a vast array of other commercial products.
* According to a leading biographer of Guevara, Jon Lee Anderson (Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life, page 3), Guevara’s mother told him that Guevara was actually born May 14, but she and her husband changed the date so no one would suspect she had been pregnant before the marriage.
hawa ndio nguli wangu wa muziki bongo na hakuna anayeweza jaribu
unapomzungumzia muziki wa bongo kiukweli hutakosa kuwataja hawa fa na ay ni wasanii ambao wanatisha na ndi pekee wanaturusha nje ya nchi na kadhalika mimi kama steve nasema hawa ndio nguli wa muziki na wapo kikazi zaidi na wala sio mauzo kama baadhi ya wasanii big up kwenu...
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