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Saturday, September 25, 2010
nitakuwa kimya kidogo kwani naelekea kijijini kwa ajili ya program za mazingira but i will be back soon
steve used to say...THE SILENCE OF OUR FRIENDS HURTS MORE THAN THE NOISES OF OUR ENEMY...inawezekana kimya changu kikaumuza wngi ilam kazi ni moja na lazima ifanyike but my promiss to you is that i will be back soon as ican......... ONE LOVE.......
help and support environment ili dunia isipoteze muelekeo wake kwani tunakokwnda kuna hatari kubwa sana.
Hii ni makala ndefu ya mazingira ambayo nayo nimeitoa kwa lugha ya kingereza kupitia misaada ya media mbali mbali junge na haifadhi mazingira na kama lugha itakusumbua unaweza ukatafsiri ukurasa huu na ukaelewa zaidi...................................................... karibu ktk makala hii ya mazingira.............................

Along with pollution, the mass deforestation of the world’s old growth forests has also posed a growing problem to the health of our environment. The clearance of forests without sufficient reforestation has gradually wore down nature’s natural defense against air pollution, desertification, and soil nutrient loss to the point that we are now facing a future world without trees, which would ultimately mean a world without people.
Experts and advocates of environment-centered reforms to policies, laws, and harmful corporate and social practices currently make up the global environmental [protection] movement, which seeks to consolidate individual efforts to improve upon the ways human beings interact with the planet.
The global issue of the Environment encompasses many diverse matters of interest some of which will be discussed throughout these Global Issues pages, which include: Animal Rights, Climate Change, Natural Disasters, Sustainable Development, Biodiversity, and Green Spaces.
The Alberta tar sands are the largest oil reservoir of crude bitumen in the world, located in Northern Alberta, Canada, Treaty 8 area, beneath 4.3 million hectares of boreal forest. Bitumen is a semi-solid mixture of crude oil, sand, clay, and water; it is mined and processed in order to separate and extract the oil. About two tons of tar sands are required to produce one barrel of oil (Oil Shale & Tar Sands) and for every barrel of oil produced, 3-5 barrels of water is used in the separation process. At the end of the day, for every barrel of oil produced there is one barrel of un-recyclable water waste. Canada has a large-scale commercial tar-sands industry, with more than one million barrels of synthetic oil produced per day (Oil Shale & Tar Sands).
Continual expansion of open-pit mining and Tar sands contribute to negative environmental impacts, such as the destruction of the Boreal forest, muskeg, and wildlife, and high greenhouse gas emissions that increase global warming. Water-waste is drained into the Athabasca/McKenzie River, causing the connected waterways to become poisonous or to dry-up. Many First Nations in the Treaty 8 area are directly affected by the oil industry. There are high levels of bile and colon cancer, lupus and a variety of illnesses within each community attributed to polluted water reserves, air pollution, and contaminated natural food sources. An Indigenous environmental movement is bringing to light the continuous destruction to First Nations people and communities.
Water is fundamental to life. We are made of water; we consume water; we depend on water. Crops grow because of water and oil is extracted with the help of water. Computers, cars, paper, pots, cosmetics and more are manufactured using water. There is no way to escape the fact that we are utterly, and ultimately, dependent on this resource.
For generations, we have been able to find clean, abundant sources of freshwater. With growing populations and increased agricultural and industrial demands, we are beginning to see this formerly bountiful resource becoming scarce. As source waters become polluted and weather patterns shift, communities are placed at the mercy of droughts, water diversion projects and political manoeuvring.

Where does your water come from? What does your water treatment plant test for? What are the drinking water regulations and guidelines in your area? Where do your wastes go? These are all pieces of your water puzzle and the more you know, the better off all of our water resources will be.
Old growth forest: Trees that have survived for a great number of years (100+) and as a result have formed diverse biological niches for several of the world’s rarest species. .....................
makala na steven mruma kwa usaidizi wa mitandao..
ujue mlima kilimanjaro kwa undani wake japo kidogo na najua wajua ila inawezekana ulikua hujui hili.
nimeandika kwa kingereza ili wengi waelewe hasa watu wa nje ambao kiswahili hakipandi..
Mount Kilimanjaro lies on the border of Tanzania and Kenya, just south of the Equator. To the west lies the Great African Rift Valley, created by tremendous tectonic forces which also gave birth to a string of other volcanoes.
The three summits of Mount Kilimanjaro, Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi are all of very recent origin. Shira and Mawenzi both have suffered considerable erosion and only jagged peaks remain. Kibo, the central, youngest and highest peak has survived as an almost perfect cone.
Although East Africa and nearby Olduvai Gorge is thought to be the cradle of mankind it is unlikely that early man would have been attracted to the steep and cold slopes of Kilimanjaro at a time when it was probably very active and dangerous. A Wachagga legend talks of Mawenzi receiving fire for its pipe from his younger brother Kibo. The Wachagga who live on the fertile volcanic soils around the base of the mountain probably only came to the area about 300 years ago thus this legend suggests very recent activity. Another of their legends talks of demons and evil spirits living on the mountain and guarding immense treasures. Stories are told of a king who decided to go to the top, few of his party survived and those who did had damaged arms and legs.
1848 Johann Rebmann a missionary from Gerlingen in Germany while crossing the plains of Tsavo saw Mount Kilimanjaro. His guide talked of baridi - cold, and of tales how a group of porters were sent up the mountain to bring back the silver or other treasures from the summit.They came back only with water. Rebmann's report stimulated great interest in Germany and in the following years several expeditions were organised; first by Baron von Decken then later by Dr. Hans Meyer who finally stood on the highest point on the 5th of October 1889.
Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, now attracts many thousands of walkers each year. On the 1st of January 2000 over 1000 people reached the summit to see the sun rise over a new Millennium.welcome Tanzania and see on your own eyes and Tanzania nendeni Kilimanjaro kama bado hujawahi kupanda na jivunie bongo
sura ya mlima Kilimanjaro
The three summits of Mount Kilimanjaro, Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi are all of very recent origin. Shira and Mawenzi both have suffered considerable erosion and only jagged peaks remain. Kibo, the central, youngest and highest peak has survived as an almost perfect cone.
Although East Africa and nearby Olduvai Gorge is thought to be the cradle of mankind it is unlikely that early man would have been attracted to the steep and cold slopes of Kilimanjaro at a time when it was probably very active and dangerous. A Wachagga legend talks of Mawenzi receiving fire for its pipe from his younger brother Kibo. The Wachagga who live on the fertile volcanic soils around the base of the mountain probably only came to the area about 300 years ago thus this legend suggests very recent activity. Another of their legends talks of demons and evil spirits living on the mountain and guarding immense treasures. Stories are told of a king who decided to go to the top, few of his party survived and those who did had damaged arms and legs.
1848 Johann Rebmann a missionary from Gerlingen in Germany while crossing the plains of Tsavo saw Mount Kilimanjaro. His guide talked of baridi - cold, and of tales how a group of porters were sent up the mountain to bring back the silver or other treasures from the summit.They came back only with water. Rebmann's report stimulated great interest in Germany and in the following years several expeditions were organised; first by Baron von Decken then later by Dr. Hans Meyer who finally stood on the highest point on the 5th of October 1889.
Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, now attracts many thousands of walkers each year. On the 1st of January 2000 over 1000 people reached the summit to see the sun rise over a new Millennium.welcome Tanzania and see on your own eyes and Tanzania nendeni Kilimanjaro kama bado hujawahi kupanda na jivunie bongo
By steven mruma with help of other media
sura ya mlima Kilimanjaro
jivunie bongo kwakua ni home.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
short story about Bill Gates founder of microsoft in computer.
Bill Gates came from a family of entrepreneurship and high-spirited liveliness. William Henry Gates III was born in Seattle, Washington on October 28th, 1955. His father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. His late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way Internationa
lBill Gates - Early Life

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
leo tar 21/9/2010 ilikua ni mahafali ya 42 ya shule ya sekondari GALANOS shule ambayo nilisoma na nilikula shavu la kutosha.
hapa ni mdogo wangu akiwa na wanafunzi wenzake katika mahafali.
hapa ni home kwa mama mshana ambapo tulimalizia shangwe kwa misosi zaidi
naipenda galanos kwakua ni shule yangu na nilisoma nikiwa na furaha pamoja na wenzangu ndio mana leo nilijumuika nao katika mahafali ya 42 ya galanos ambapo nilikua pia na mdogo wangu anamaliza kidato cha nne.
hapa ni home kwa mama mshana ambapo tulimalizia shangwe kwa misosi zaidi
Monday, September 20, 2010
chelsea waendelea kusogelea ubingwa kwa 100% baada ya kuua 4-1

rekodi muhimu ya wekundu wa msimbazi imevunjika rasmi....
kikosi cha simba kikitoka uwanjani
jana hatimaye mnyama alkikubali virungu vya polisi dodoma kwa kukubali kuvunja rekod yake muhimu ya kutofungwa hata mchezo mmoja katika ligi kuu tanzania bara kwa kufungwa goli moja kwa bila na polisi dodoma katika uwanja wake wa nyumbani wa muda ccm kirumba mwanza na hivyo simba kupoteza rekodi yake muhimu sana kwani vyombo mbalimbali vya habari viliandika kua simba inataka kufuata nyayo za arsenal ya kucheza mechi nyingi baila kufungwa ila ndio hivyo bye bye rekodi ya simba....

Saturday, September 18, 2010
very important.. understand principle of ethics to lead your life.
in our life we have to know and understand well principle of ethic life..
1... understand the value of life and how to control life..
2...JUSTICE..the principle of equity, distribution and have a fairness at all. have be honest or truth telling or velacity. have to resist evil and ability to be good person at all.and
5...FREEDOM..concern autonomy to free in act in any way and give other freedom and be free self..for more explanation contact.. beware.
hivi unahimili vipi pale unapokua katika mkusanyiko wa watu wengi?
palipo na watu wengi pana mengi kama wizi na mengineyo ila ni lazima ujue kukabiliana nayo kwanza uwe na mavazi ya kawaida yani ya heshima mf wasichana waliovaa nusu uchi walivuliwa nguo katka fiesta ya 2007 tanga na wahuni kwa mavazi yao ya ajabu so jaribu kuangalia suala la mavazi..pia usipende ibishoo au usista duu sio mzuri unaweza ukakupashida wakati mwingine...beware..
ndoa ni jambo muhimu kama ukijipanga kabla ya ndoa
steve used to say...kila anaeingia katika ndoa bila shaka amejipima akaona kuwa anaweza akahimili mikikimikiki ya ndoa ila ndoa nyingi huvunjika kwakua wawili hao inawezekana walimuakukurupuka kisha wakaoana mwishowe maji ya shingo wanakimbiana..
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
maisha ya vichekesho wakati mwingine yanatutia woga
kama unavyo muona huyu punda anaongea na simu sana hii inamaanisha nini kama sio mwisho wa dunia jamani mimi binafsi najua siku inakuja na lazima itatokea ila sasa woga ni muhimu kwakua hakuna asiependa ugali ndio mana
nasema hivi vichekesho wakati mwingine vinatuogopesha... hebu muone punda anaongea na simu.
nasema hivi vichekesho wakati mwingine vinatuogopesha... hebu muone punda anaongea na simu.
Monday, September 13, 2010
yaliyotokea kwa mwisho mwampamba yaendelee mpaka atakapo ipeperusha bendera ya taifa vema
hata kwa richad alikua akiingia kikaangoni mara kwa mara ila mwisho wa siku akaibuka kidedea na hii tuifanye kwa mwisho kwa kumpa support yakutosha hasa anapo ingia kikaangoni ni lazima tuungane pamoja kumpigia kura abaki ndani ya jumba la big braza au sio pamoja daima tutafika mimi nia wakwanza kupiga kura abaki bado wewe safari ijayo upige kura kama ataingia kikaangoni.........
Saturday, September 11, 2010
jamani idi ilikua poa sana kwangu ila eid mubarak wote
eid mubarak mashehe na wasio waumini wote wakiislam
jana mabo yalikua safi sana nilikua ki ostadh kabisa kwakua lazima niwaunge mkono waislam kwakua kabla ya hapa nilipo nilikua islamik ndio mana nawapenda nawaunga mkono ijapokua mimi kwa kwasasa nimkristo msabato tena..
hapa nilikua nipo masjid naswali iddi
hapa nilitoka leo nilikua namarafiki zangu 1.flora 2.steven 3.bakari na agness
Thursday, September 9, 2010
mavazi ya kareena kapor yawashangaza waumini wa kiislam
katika hali ya kushangaza sana muigizaji mashuhuri nchini india kareena ameendelea kuvaa mavazi ya ajbu wakati waislam bado wangali katika mfungo wa mwezi wa ramadhani na hii imekua gunzo sana kwani dada huyo pia inasemekana ni muislam lakini ambae hajashika dini kwa sana,. na sio huko tu hata wabongo mavazi yetu wengi hayaridhishi hasa akina dada jamani tuheshimu wenzetu hata kama hatufungi...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
jamani hii ndio bongo na bongo flavour yake
bongo land na mamboyake ukifulia tu walewale ulio wategemea ndio wakwanza kukukimbia .
steve used to say...unapofulia hata marafiki wanakukimbia na hii nahisi huwatokea wasanii wengi sana lakini kwa mr. nice imezidi mbona hawa wa filamu sisikii sana matukio yao ya kupigwa labda kupigana kama ya mlela na hemed ila naona kama siku mtu kama the great akifulia sijui itakuaje simuombei coz ni fun wangu wa ukweli nampenda san na pia kama akina ay binam cpwaa suma lee na so much atist.
steve used to say...unapofulia hata marafiki wanakukimbia na hii nahisi huwatokea wasanii wengi sana lakini kwa mr. nice imezidi mbona hawa wa filamu sisikii sana matukio yao ya kupigwa labda kupigana kama ya mlela na hemed ila naona kama siku mtu kama the great akifulia sijui itakuaje simuombei coz ni fun wangu wa ukweli nampenda san na pia kama akina ay binam cpwaa suma lee na so much atist.
tukio la mr. nice kupigwa wadau wengi watoa maoni yao

Friday, September 3, 2010
samahanini member wangu kwa kuifuta rasmi blog ya world cup and 10 hits
nimeshindwa kuzimiliki zote kwakua muda nilio nao ni mdogo sana ukilinganisha na matakwa ya wasomaji hivyo sina budi kuelekeza nguvu zangu katika blog hii pekee ili niweze kuwafika kwa urahisi samahani sana wale ambao walikua wakifatilia kwa umakini najua ninalawama nyingi ila sameheheni bure .. naomab mniunge mkono kwa pamoja tusonge mbele ila sikatai maoni yako kama unapenda irudi nitairudisha kulingana an wingi wa member ambao watataka irudi rasmi....
tanzania have a lots of national parks and place which can make you forget desires on your minds
these are some animal available in tanzania national park

welcom tanzania and tanzanian welcome and see your wealth and you have surppot your country for any more
leo katika face book nimekuta jambo ambalo lipo sana katika jamii zetu
ni dada yngu mmoja katika face book amendiak kuhusu wale ambao wanatumia njia za mkato kutaka kujinufaisha kama kuua na kuiba akazungumia tukio la kuchinja na kupora piki piki matukio haya yamekua yakitokea sana hat mimi nimewahi kuona matukio kama haya tena kwa mtu nilie mfahamu kabisa alipigwa rungu kichwani akafa na akaporwa piki piki kiukweli leo nikumbuka mabali sana na imeniumiza roho kuona watu wanavyo uwawa kikatili kisa pikipiki.. tembelea facebook na view wall ya kissah tuntufye utaliona hili.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
jamani kama nilivyowaambia utalii ni jambo la muhimu sana kama unaweza weka historia nenda katalii [ try to visit kilimanjaro montain and have a fun in tanzania
kwenu ni kwenu tu kuna sehemu nyingi sana ambazo hata ambae sio mtu wa nje anaweza kutembelea because we want to know our natural and our wealth through tourism in tanzania kilimanjaro is highest montain in africa available in tanzania..welcom and contact me for more info..
jamani tanga ina raha yke hasa pale unapokubalika na marafiki
napenda sana niwaambie wale wote ambao wako karibu na mimi wanipe sapot kama kawaida jamani kwani shavu lao nalikubali sana na natumai hata ambao hawajawahi kua karibu na mimi wanaweza kwa kutembelea blog hii na kama vipi unaweza kunitumia email ama sms 0719507240 kama upo pamoja na mimi.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
utalii ni jambo muhimu san hapa duniani kwani zingine zinatukumbusah zamani [tourism]
sehemu nyingi sana ndani ya tanzania kuna vivutio vingi vya utalii na kama mji wa tanga ambapo naishi mimi kuna sehemu nyingi san za kitalii kama mapango ya amboni ambayo naweza sema ni ya pekee kabisa duniani na yanayopatikana huko ni ya ajabu kama siku ukitembelea tanga jabibu utaona ni jambo zuri na la kifahari fanya utalii wa ndani kama kwenda nje hauwezi ukija tanga nitakupa kampani nzuri sana... tuwasiliane stevenmruma@hotmail .com ...
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