ontradicted by the request of stakeholders in this network have decided to prepare this article freemason ....... in many cases, especially the accident, eg explosion of the bombs the U.S. on September 11 and many others which exceed hid in three measures the world is the existence and operation is very dangerous to freemason who is now the world has become a major threat to amid the refuse to be a wave of crash especially armed September 11, especially on the fuel mix, but keeps coming today I decided to prepare an article regarding the history of the freemason from among various sources of information. move i
God made a Covenant with Abraham, and promised his seed would inherit the land of Canaan. As the Promise unfolded we find Abraham's seed was not to be Ishmael, but would come through his wife Sarah.
Their son, Isaac, had twins. Isaac's first-born, Esau, sold his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob. Esau then married two serpent-seed women and an Ishmaelite, whose offspring intermarried with the serpent seed. Thus Esau committed "genocide" for that was the end of the Adamic lineage in Esau whose nation became known as Edom.
Edom is "The people against whom the Lord has indignation forever" (Malachi 1:4). It disappeared from history through miscegenation with Israel and has assumed the name "Jew".
God told Moses, when Israel conquers the Land, they must utterly slay all of its serpent seed inhabitants. Israel were disobedient and eventually found themselves dominated and ruled by these people.
From before the days of Christ there was intense hatred between Rome and the "Jews". Jacob and Esau strove together in Rebecca's womb, and when Esau was born, Jacob grasped him by the heel. The hated and rivalry between these two enemies of God is to this day the root of earth's geopolitical struggles.
When the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom began worshiping the pagan trinity, He dispersed them by the Assyrians. Later when the Southern Kingdom adopted this pagan worship, God sent Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and the temple, and take the people captive to Babylon.
At the end of the captivity, many of the Hebrew people declined to return. Remaining in Babylon, they intermarried and assimilated, so that for the next fifteen hundred years, Babylon, and not Jerusalem, was Israel's theological headquarters. Whilst the returnees brought with them the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system (usury), calendar, the synagogue form of worship, rabbis, Cabbala, and the beginnings of the Talmud and Pharisaism.
John Hyrcanus, Judah's high priest, seeking perhaps to heal the breach between the descendants of Esau and Jacob, forcibly converted the Edomites (or Idumeans) to Judaism. In 37BC, Herod the Great succeeded John when the Romans made him ruler of all Judea - now called Idumea, because of the overwhelming number of Edomites in the population.
Herod was an Idumean who married into John's family, the Maccabees. Thus by the time of Christ, the majority of "Jews" were unrelated to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by blood, and certainly not by faith. The religion of the Judeans was no longer the Law and the Prophets, but "the traditions of the elders" which had been compiled as the Babylonian Talmud by about AD500. This Babylonian religion called "Pharisaism" became Talmudism. In turn, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, which became Modern Rabbinism we call "Judaism" today.
Lucifer was trying to steal the Kingdom from Jesus Christ by the same ploy he used in the garden of Eden. Miscegenation. Esau's descendants controlled the temple through the dominance of the Pharisees, and their Edomite king ruled under Rome. They had assumed or stolen the identity of these so-called "Chosen People" and were certainly not willing to receive a Messiah and King from the House of David. This was why Herod tried to kill all the boy children from two years of age and less (Matthew 2:16).

Who killed the Lord Jesus? The Bible says it was "the chief priests and Pharisees" who accused Him and cried, "His blood be upon us and upon our children". Their hatred has not abated over the centuries today pagan Esau/Edom, who is not even on the Book of Life, continues to affront God and to persecute Jacob/Israel.
The spirit of Satan permeated the four Gentile empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, destroying each from within. Finally he penetrating Christendom as once he infiltrated and usurped the Old Testament priesthood, transforming Imperial Roman rule into a FALSE religious power with the organization of the pagan Roman Catholic church at the First Nicea Council of AD325.
Any student of history knows that the few Christians who attended Nicea left before the Council sat, for apostate Jews who controlled the proceedings had arranged their usual Hegelian FALSE alternative of thesis and antithesis in the form of two heresies as Satan had set the Sadducees and the Pharisees before Jesus, and later Paul. Here he set the heretics Arius and his Unitarianism, and Athanasius and his Trinitarian, together with their followers, in opposition against one another, the Christians, and God.
The Babylonian form of worship was introduced into nominal, carnal Christianity, with the organization of the Roman Universal church. Their false trinity of gods, and false water baptism in three Titles, instead of in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Bible-denying Nicene Creed, and church-State union. Soon, the controlled State church was killing all who refused Rome's false trinity and water baptism. Their mark of the beast. Scores of millions were martyred through almost a thousand years of Dark Ages.
Throughout the past 2,000 years, Satan's military, in the guise of the self-styled Jews, (who are basically physical serpent's seed hybrid), has persecuted the natural seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are Hebrews and genuine Israelites. Then, in the shape of the Roman Catholic FALSE church, whose sons are spiritual serpent's seed, bastard-born children of her creed hybrid with God's Word, it has persecuted the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, the true Church made up of both Israelites and Gentiles.
Both of them hail from Babylon! And if you are a Mason who has studied the Craft, you will recognize that much of its allegory is drawn from pagan mythology. This mythology originated in Chaldea (Babylon), spread to Egypt, and from there the Hebrews received It. The major sources of information are in the records of Egyptian and Grecian culture. Egypt received her science and mathematics from the Chaldeans and Greece received hers from Egypt. Since the priests were in charge of teaching these sciences and they formed a part of their religion, we know how the Babylonish religion gained its strength in these two countries. And whenever one nation was able to subdue another, in due time the religion of the subduer became the religion of the subdued. As is well known, the Greeks had the same signs of the Zodiac as the Babylonians; and according to the ancient Egyptian records the Egyptians gave the Greeks their knowledge of polytheism. Thus the Babylonian mysteries spread from nation to nation until in Rome, China, India, and even in North and South America, we find the same basic worship.
The battle between "the children of God" and "the children of disobedience" is raging today. And there are myriad levels of "initiation," or battle fronts into this conspiracy, which is executing a secret plan of Darkness, even as God's Holy Bible is unfolding the mystery of Light or true Illumination. As a consequence we encounter numerous secret societies, or "societies with secrets," which all ultimately serve the same master.
The three great distinguishing principles of secret societies are secrecy, their peculiar emphasis on benevolence, and their system of regalia, badges, rank and formalities, as well as many incidental practices that are radically false, and plainly opposed to sound reason and the Word of God.
Jesus said to the high priest: "I spoke openly to the world; and in secret I have said nothing" (John 18:20).
Jesus foretold, "as it was in the days of Noah this accursed hybreeding will repeat in the days of My 'parousia' or Coming" (Matthew 24:37-41). Christ's parousia began in 1963 with the revelation of the Seven Seals which brought Him back to earth in Word form. And we have miscegenation between East and West on a scale not seen since the Flood. Multiracialism veiled as what is euphemistically called 'multiculturalism'. And the mixing of religions.
For twenty centuries the "Jews" have never ceased to reiterate their rejection of Jesus. With concentrated intensity they've bent themself to the task of assaulting the Church, which He founded, and in which He lives. This purpose, and their persecution of natural Israel has bound them together: into a stubborn, alien knot that refuses to be dissolved into any society.
Through a rabbit warren of secret societies, the old boundaries have been broken down and we see the open conspiracy drawn up by Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells, transformed in our sight. The enemies of the first and the second Adam are behind all this; rather than being "God's Chosen", they are His accursed! Satan is using them to work his purposes.
"Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant". The smug conceit of 'secret knowledge' with which she hoped to teach her innocent husband caused Eve to stumble and fall from grace. Eve had acquired carnal knowledge but with it came death. True Spiritual revelation (or faith) from God is Life and peace. God is trying to unveil His secrets through intimate faith, not second-hand learning. The prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 "finished the mystery of God" in 1963. God's channel of revelation is this prophetic ministry whereby Christ revealed the Seven Seals. He is not seeking to hide, but to unfold His mystery to whomsoever will.
Does it matter if there are secrets and secret societies? Is there anything wrong with being a member of a secret society?
When asked such questions those who belong to a secret society frequently deny their membership. When the motive for belonging is requested, it is said that their purpose in joining was for fellowship and connections; and the larger the secret society, the more connections. However, in the case of a secret society like Yale's Skull and Bones, we don't have a large membership. It is power that draws one to Bones.
Secret societies frequently 'determine in the depths the changes that take place on the surface' (Arthur Edward Waite, Quoted by A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 126).
William Edward Smith suggested: 'Anything that is good should not be kept secret; and anything kept secret is not to the benefit whether it be good or bad, as it tends to the breach of our Constitution and the establishment of arbitrary power' (in Christianity and Secret Societies (1936) 25; John 3:19).
Americas have long held to the view that things should be done in the public view. The very idea of a secret government, once unknown to Americans, is anathema. Yet there is a very long history of things being secret - including the convention that established the U.S. Constitution.
There is also a little-known history that includes the concept of unwritten laws and oral traditions with allegiance being made to unknown superiors and masters. This Babylonian form of hidden, all-pervading power was adopted by the Talmudic Jews and later infused as 'Christian theology' by their Roman Catholic system of false worship. Those who meet in secret conclave appear to have an aversion for paramount written constitutions, that every citizen is capable of reading and knowing. The secret society is generally based on a hierarchy afraid of discovery, with secret membership, meetings and oaths, claims of brotherhood and unknown superiors.
The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Federal Reserve Board, and the Trilateral Commission all meet in secret. However, membership lists are available for each of these groups except for the Bildebergers.
Perhaps one of the earliest stories we have learned is about the Greeks and their Trojan Horse. When the walls of Troy were found to be too strong to breach, the Greeks built a tall wooden Horse and left it outside the city. Jubilant at seeing the Greeks depart, the Trojans opened their gates and let the horse come in. They celebrated and slept. In the middle of the night the Greeks came out of the belly of the horse, opened the gates and took the city. The principle of vigilance and the surprise attack! Those who are weaker or wish to have lower casualties attack without warning, as cats sneak up on their prey which might otherwise outrun them.
The ancient Spartans built a military machine 'capable not only of suppressing revolts - but of nipping them in the bud' (Michael Cheilik, Ancient History 1969). Five magistrates, overseers, or ephori were elected each year (Ward, p. 103). The ephori were five secret despots or supreme judges of the system invented by Chilon, a wise man of Greece. They trained a number of young men as assassins and ordered them to be ready at any minute with daggers to waylay helots (enslaved Greeks) and butcher them in sufficient numbers to keep down the labor force to a schedule tabulated at their political councils. 'The ephori had boundless authority' (Osborne Ward, II The Ancient Lowly (1910), p. 95).
One of the functions of the ephori was to see that the ambuscades were carried out (Ward, p. 104). 'The ambuscades were accomplished at moments of the profoundest peace and when the innocent victims were productive' (Ward, p. 102). 'The ephori ordained that a number of young aristocratic men arm themselves with daggers and secretly sneak off into the mountains and jungles with knapsack of provisions. They were called together by governors. The toilers, who were without arms or any means of defense, were then set upon by the assassins' (Ward, p. 104).
Plutarch wrote: 'The governors of the youth ordered the shrewdest of them from time to time to disperse themselves in the country, provided only with daggers and some necessary provisions. In the day time they hid themselves and rested in the most private places they could find; but at night they sallied out into the roads and killed all the Helots they could meet with. Nay, sometimes by day, they fell upon them in the fields and murdered the ablest and strongest of them' (Ward, p. 105).
Periander advised Thrasybulus to cut off the tops of the tallest ears of corn. (Aristotle's Politics and Poetics 146, translated by Benjamin Jowett and Thomas Twining (1952), Book 5, X).
'The ephors armed certain young Spartans as a special and secret police (the krypteia) empowered to spy upon the people and to kill Helots at their discretion' (Durant at 80). If you read both Books of Maccabees, you will discover whom the Spartans really were. They were not Greeks, but Jews.
The Helots were spied upon all the time. At intervals the most outstanding of the Helots were killed 'as a way of cutting down leadership before it could organize a revolt' (Milton Meltzer at 87).* Plutarch mentions that sometimes large numbers of slaves were lured by the plea of a festival or hunt and when gathered to a convenient spot were fell upon and murdered by the hundreds to get rid of the dangerous element (Osbrone Ward, I The Ancient Lowly (1910) p. 86).
Thucydides mentioned the invitation being made to the Helots to pick out those who were most distinguished for freedom 'as it was thought that the first to claim their freedom would be the most high-spirited and the most apt to rebel. As many as two thousand were selected accordingly, who crowned themselves and went around the temples, rejoicing in their new freedom. The Spartans, however, soon afterwards did away with them, and no one ever knew how each of them perished' (Durant).
'Thucydides told of the time during the Peloponnesian war when there were no more soldiers to be had from among the Spartans, the Perioeci or recognized citizens. Recruiting was then done from the much more numerous laboring class. Thousands were marshalled and drilled into the army. They gallantly bore light arms and were victorious. Over 2,000 proved worthiest of liberty.
These were enfranchised and marched into a temple or field to take the oath of freedom. Instead they were massacred. The ephori made a secret declaration of war and armed the young men with daggers. All disappeared forever' (Ward, pp. 105-108).
'The Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine also has a claim to extraordinary connections, like the Jesuits, to world events. Indeed, some of the major figures associated with the Order have included Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Frederick the Great (1712-1786), Gabriel Riqueti Mirabeau (1749-1791), Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) and even Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)' a Thirty-Third Degree Mason (Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy (1989) p. 93).
'To a state of abnegation, Which shall in all things make them willing tools; In short, reduce them to a set of fools' (Jesuit Saying, Quoted by Charles William Heckethorn, Vol. I, The Secret Societies (1965), p. 285).
'In 1534 the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) (a Marrano) and five associates' (James Trager, The People's Chronology (1979) p. 176).
'During the 16th century, confession became a religious duty that was required to be diligently observed' (Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits (1975) p. 63). 'Through the confessional the Jesuits secured lasting political influence' (ibid p. 34).
'King Ferdinand was dominated by his Jesuit confessor' (ibid p. 36). 'The main two weapons used by Loyola's order were: 1) to be the confessors of the mighty and those in high places and 2) to be the educators of their children' (ibid p. 27).
'From the beginning the order was prepared to treat the sinner gently. Forgiveness lapsed into slackness' (ibid p. 63). 'The maxim was applied that "the end justifies the means"' (ibid p. 32).
'The Professi formed the fourth and highest grade of the Jesuit Order; they alone were initiated into all the secrets of the Order' (Charles William Hackethorn, I The Secret Societies (1965) p. 286). 'The Jesuit oath states: In the name of Christ crucified, I swear to burst the bonds that yet unite me to father, mother, brothers, sisters, relations, friends; to the king, magistrates, and any other authority to which I may ever have sworn fealty, obedience, gratitude, or service. I renounce . . . the place of my birth, henceforth to exist in another sphere. I swear to reveal to my new superior, whom I desire to know, what I have done, thought, read, learnt, or discovered, and to observe and watch all that comes under my notice. I swear to yield myself up to my superior, as if I were a corpse, deprived of life and will. I finally swear to flee temptation, and to reveal all I succeed in discovering, well aware that lightening is not more rapid and ready than the dagger to reach me wherever I may flee" (ibid pp. 287-288).
'The Jesuits openly advocated tyrannicide whenever the tyrant was against them' (ibid p. 289). 'The Book of Secreta Monita contained the Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus' (ibid p. 289). 'At the time of the founding of the Jesuits, Germany "had completely fallen away from Popery. . ."' (Theodor Friesinger, The Jesuits: A Complete History of their Open and Secret Proceedings from the Foundation of the Order to the Present Time (1892) p. 211).
'Francis Bacon was a Rosicrucian initiate' (Nesta H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924) p. 97). 'In fact, he founded the Rose Croix order in England' (Lady Queenborough, p. 153). 'His book, The New Atlantis, was published a year after his death in 1627' (Howard, p. 74). 'In The New Atlantis he referred to keepers of a secret tradition that Moses by a secret cabala ordained the laws of Bensalem . . .' (Webster, p. 119). '(Bensalem was Bacon's fictional island). He formulated a philosophical system' (J.N. Larned III, Larneds History of the World (1914) p. 651).
'Bacon influenced American educationalists such as John Dewey. He was a Utopian who created a blueprint for a Golden Age. As Chancellor of England, he persuaded King James to issue charters for English colonies in the New World' (Howard, p. 76). 'The element of secrecy is particularly relevant in the world of money'. Francis Bacon once said: 'If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master'.
The close relationship between national banks and government debt historically has been kept secret because it is a basically immoral arrangement of mutual greed and convenience: 'A banking system is so closely associated with public borrowing and with what is almost the oldest and most jealously guarded function of the state, the issue of money, that governments can seldom afford to leave it entirely unlicensed and uncontrolled' (Sir John Clapham, The Bank of England 2 (1945); 34 L. Q. Review (1918). 'The State soon found that its business was one of the undertakings which a bank would finance for privileges which it would give.'
A long-existing and self-perpetuating tax-immune internationalist and transnational group that uses fronts with inter-locking corporate and or fraternal groups of individuals, whose membership is either secret or semi-secret, with undisclosed ownership shares, has usurped the sovereignty of borrowing national governments (who serve their lenders). It includes largely unrevealed yet reported campaign contributors who also control the media and press, all major political parties and dictates presidential appointments. It abhors the direct issuance of money by elected officials and through the creation of a system of privately-owned and controlled central banks holds all the world's gold and all loan and mortgage paperwork. Its business is conducted in secret meetings which determine the future of all national economies and the timing of expansion (through loans) or contraction (through tight money policy - no loans).
It exercises an exclusive monopoly on the issuance of money created out of thin air and issued solely as debt, does not create money to repay interest but lives off perpetual national debts that consume future income, which, under international law cannot be repudiated even by an internal revolution. At least for others, it tends to be pro-bureaucracy, pro-abortion/population control, pro-government education, anti-family, anti-nationalist, anti-inheritance, anti-private property, and anti-Jesus Christ. This group can demand special privileges, and even military force, to collect national debts. It plans to soon accomplish global disarmament (of both civilians and nations) and have a monopoly on force (including nuclear weapons). It has the privilege of a guaranteed untaxable income enforced by liens on all public and personal property and collected by the coercive force of the taxing structure of the different governments.
When the Whig politicians submitted the merchant's plan to the English Parliament in 1691, it included the following components:
1) the names of those who had loaned money to the government in the past seventy years were to remain secret,
2) the charter members of the Bank of England would be granted a perpetual right to appoint the Directors,
3) the Banks would make loans to the value of Ten Pounds for every One Pound it had on deposit in its vaults by the way of paper currency,
4) the Bank would be permitted to consolidate the national debt and secure payments of amounts due by way of direct taxation or levy upon the people until the debt was fully discharged,
5) that no other Bank would be the agent for the constitutional treasury of England, and
6) that no Bank would be incorporated or chartered except with the approval or participation of the Bank of England. (F. Fred Kirkland & Paul L. Burton, Creative Fraud (1976) p. 25).
The first Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was founded in England in 1717 - twenty-three years after the founding of the Bank of England which had a secret court of directors. The creation of this lodge is a milestone in the transformation of what was a trade guild into a secret society. The Rothschild family became allied with Freemasonry in the late 1700's. By co-operating with secret societies they were able to expand their banking operations from Germany, networking the political contacts of Freemasonry, which was already well established throughout the continent. Freemasonry, on the other hand, needed money to finance its efforts to build a New World Order, and the Rothschilds would be able to provide such funds.
Proceedings of the U.S. Anti-Masonic Convention (1830 p. 33), declare Freemasonry was instituted, 'to dupe the simple for the benefit of the crafty'. Freemasons are intensely focused on maintaining secrecy and will retaliate against those who violate their oaths or transgress against brother Masons. The legend of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic Christ figure, describes how Hiram was killed while keeping a Masonic secret. His brother Freemasons killed Hiram's assailants and raised Hiram from the grave. Freemasons are encouraged to model themselves after Hiram and hold their Masonic secrets. If they remain true to their oaths, like Hiram, they should expect to be avenged for such attacks and rewarded for their fidelity to the brotherhood. While cases exist suggesting the murder of opponents of Freemasonry, Masonic rituals state that 'the more effective penalty for doing anything displeasing to Masonry is to be shunned by the entire Brotherhood, a penalty sufficient to bring a man to ruin, the more certainly so as Freemasonry has expanded into every profession and every branch of society' (Stephan Knight, The Brotherhood (1984) p. 31).
Like other secret societies, the Freemasons have their own written constitutions. In the Scottish Rite petition for admission to the mysteries, question number 26 asks: 'Do you promise, upon your honor, to strictly adhere to and be governed by the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas and by the By-Laws of this Lodge?' Question number 29 asks: 'Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you will cheerfully conform to the ancient established usages and customs of Masonry?'
Edmona Ronayue described the requirement of obedience to all laws and edicts: 'First, the candidate is made to swear eternal obedience to all Masonic laws and edicts, and without having the slightest knowledge of any one of them; then the law peremptorily excluding the name of Christ is submitted for his acceptance, and, lastly, in perfect harmony with the requirements of his Masonic obligation, a blind implicit unwavering obedience to this law is demanded of him whether right or wrong' (The Master's Carpet (1879).
'It is even claimed that: The teachings of Freemasonry . . . are summarily this: Obey Masonic law, and live' (Rev. C.G. Finney, The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry (1869) p.2130.
'It has been said: Those who over-step the Constitution of the US government by joining secret societies and take their judicial oaths to secretly uphold their members in so far as they can when their design and purposes conflict with our Constitutions and laws should be treated as traitors of the government and deprived of their franchise as citizens' (William Edward Smith, Christianity and Secret Societies, (1936) 25).
While not overtly encouraged to participate in criminal activity, Freemasons were sworn to protect their brother Freemasons should they engage in immoral or criminal conduct. The Royal Arch Mason swore, 'I will aid and assist a companion Royal Arch Mason, when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause, so far as to extricate him from the same, if in my power, whether he be right or wrong . . . A companion Royal Arch Mason's secrets, given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable, in my breast as in his own, murder and treason not excepted, etc.' (The Address of the U.S. Anti-Masonic Convention (1830) p. 9).
In summary, according to Freemasonry's critics, Freemasonry is a brotherhood or more aptly a cult which mandates secrecy and obedience within its ranks, affords protection and advancement of the interests of its members, punishes its enemies and turns a blind eye to criminal behavior committed by its members against non-members. Freemasonry provides a value system and an organizational structure which works to put brother Freemasons in positions of power in all organizations and can be used by its members for the most immoral and illegal purposes. Its foundation appears to rest upon the willingness of its members to selfishly exchange their ethics for personal advantage. Its strength appears to lie in a pervasive presence, unseen by those outside the brotherhood, working in concert to protect and expand their wealth and power.
If we believe the early 19th century critics of Freemasonry, how would we expect Freemasons to respond to a Kennedy assassination conspiracy involving brother Freemasons? Most Freemasons might never be aware of the conspiracy and could respond according to their individual feelings. If they were made aware of a Masonic link, Royal Arch Freemasons would be bound by their oaths to maintain their brothers' secrets, 'murder and treason not excepted' and warn their brothers of any threat of exposure. Royal Arch Freemasons could be expected to defend their brother Freemasons and support any cover-up of the conspiracy. Royal Arch Freemasons would use all the tools available to them to frustrate, confuse and discredit anyone to challenge their story. Literally millions of American Freemasons of all ranks could be called upon, as needed and with few questions, to quietly work to remove any threat to the assassins and their control of the government. Those Freemasons who were called upon to help would keep their Masonic secrets and could expect to be rewarded for their fidelity to Freemasonry. Any Freemasons who violated their Masonic confidences would invite the wrath of the brotherhood.
As a student, Weishaupt had studied the Greek mystics: 'While an undergraduate Weishaupt studied the ancient pagan religions and was familiar with the Eleusinian mysteries and the theories of the Greek mystic Pythagorus. As a student he drafted the constitution for a secret society modelled on the pagan mystery schools but it was not until he was initiated into Freemasonry that Weishaupt's plan for the ultimate secret society was spawned' (Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy (1989) p. 61).
Weishaupt said: 'Behold our secret. Remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil' (Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 81).
His philosophy has been continued: 'To summarize: The Communist code of ethics is based upon the principle that the ends of revolution justify any means, no matter how lawless, violent, dishonest, or indecent from the standpoint of accepted American standards of morality' (House Report No. 2, 76th Congress, 1st Session 26-29).
'No morality seemed to be a key foundation for the scheme. The group was founded on the premise that the end justifies the means and that the good of the Order justifies calumnies, poisoning, murders, perjuries, treasons, rebellions and all that men call crime' (Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution, p. 297).
Disbelief remains as the single biggest factor working in Freemasonry's favor. Decent folk find it incomprehensible that there could be individuals so evil as to actually try to take control of the world on behalf of Lucifer. In Freemasonry everything has a double-meaning. Thus the candidate is practicing the occult throughout his degree work without knowing it. False interpretations are given to him to prevent him from suspecting the Craft to be anything less than 'on the square'. Another factor is that it rarely, if ever, does anything covert under its own name. In order to advance its agenda it establishes other organizations, to which it gives special assignments.
Jesus Christ was recognized to novices as the Grand Master and 'if Christ exhorted his disciples to despise riches it was in order to prepare the world for the community of goods that should do away with property' (ibid p. 12).
Later, at the grade of Priest, the initiate was told that 'the pretended religion of Christ was nothing else than the work of priests, of imposture and of tyranny' (ibid p. 13).
'The success of socialism seems tied directly to eliminating religion' (William Riley Halstead, Civil and Religious Forces (1890) p. 165-166).
Weishaupt, like Lenin and Marx, early publicly proclaimed that the State would wither away. In private the Illuminati elite believed 'that the average man was too stupid to govern himself and that a self-appointed inner-circle or Illuminati would secretly rule' (Robert Henry Goldsborough, Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage - 1989).
The United States of America was a republic. However, the secret destiny of America was the accomplishment of a democratic form of government that illegally usurped the republic. When it was first settled, the purpose was to all for a new way of life 'free from the religious intolerance and political despotism that held Europe in its clutches' (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America (1958) p. 129).
The Philadelphia convention adjourned after five months of secret sessions. Madison's Journal of the Federal Convention was not published until 1840 - after everyone who was at the 1787 Convention had died (Richard B. Morris, The Constitution (1985) p. 10). As originally drafted in the secret proceedings, the 1787 U.S. Constitution left out a public bill of rights altogether.
Until the 1820's, college education was generally narrow and theological in character. However, a rising tide of relatively liberal thought on campus led to a new, secular liberal arts orientation strongly supporting the era of material progress that was to transform the continent during the second half of the century.
What they would learn is that someone else told you what to think about, when to think about it, how long to think about it, when to stop thinking about it, when to think of something else, and someone else sets up the secrets.
'The Carbonari secret society in Italy in the early 1820s was more than just a power in the land, and boasted branches and sub-societies as far afield as Poland, France and Germany' (Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies (1961) p.100).
Their origin was claimed to be in Scotland where they took to charcoal-burning to avoid suspicion of ulterior motives. They set up their own three-branch government and obeyed only their own laws (Ibid p. 101). The object of the society was to set up a body of men subject to the orders of a central body and to take action even against established governments: From the earliest recorded period of its existence, it formed a state within a state (Ibid p. 103. The Degree of Grand Elect was conferred on a candidate who was thirty-three years and three months old (the age of Christ on the day of His Death) (Heckethorn, I, p. 163). It was revealed in the catechism that the object of the organization was political and that it aimed at the overthrow of all tyrants.
The oath was given:
'I, a free citizen of Ausonia, swear before the Grand Master of the Universe, and the Grand Elect Good Cousin, to devote my whole life to the triumph of the principles of liberty, equality and progress, which are the soul of all the secret and public acts of Carbonarism. I promise that, if it be impossible to restore the reign of liberty without a struggle, I will fight to the death. I consent, should I prove false to my oath, to be slain by my Good Cousins Grand Elects; to be fastened to the cross in a lodge, naked, crowned with thorns; to have my belly torn open, the entrails and heart taken out and scattered to the winds. Such are our conditions; swear!' The Seventh most secret degree (Principli Summo Patriarcho) revealed the real object of Carbonarism and that its aims were identical with those of the Illuminati . . . (Ibid p. 167). The candidate was sworn to destroy every government whether despotic or democratic (Ibid p. 168).
'The Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona' (Emanuel M. Josephson, The "Federal" Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers (1968) p. 4-5). The Jesuits were finally reinstated by Pope Pius VII in August, 1814.
In 1829 a secret society, modelled after the Carbonari, was formed to establish compulsory public education in the United States.
'Karl Marx, a key communist propagandist, joined the highly secret Satanist Church' (A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 91).
'In 1856 Mazzini initiated Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) into the Carbonari. She was also an initiate of the Order of the Druses. In 1866 she was fought under Garibaldi and was wounded at Mentana (Lady Queenborough, p. 530). Blavatsky wrote that: It is Spinoza . . . who furnishes perhaps the truest key to a portion of this unwritten secret. While Moses forbids graven images of Him whose name is not to be taken in vain, Spinoza goes further. He clearly infers that God must not be so much as described. Human language is totally unfit to give an idea of this Being who is altogether unique' (Isis Unveiled (1877) p. 308).
'Some Spinosists fall into a senseless sort of Skepticism, called Egotism, where every one fancies himself to be the only Being that exists. Madame Blavatsky said in a moment of frankness: What is one to do, when in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them? . . . For almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, and the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely it is to succeed' [like the City of London's 9/11 hoax] (Robert Keith Spenser, The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye (1964) p.48).
'In 1871 Pike copyrighted his 861-page book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry' (Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 223).
Albert Pike stated: 'All true dogmatic religions come from the Kabbala and lead back to it; all that is scientific and great in the religious dream of all the illuminated such as Bachme, Swedenborg, St. Martin, and others similar, is borrowed from the Kabbala. All the Masonic associations owe their secrets and symbols to it' (Morals and Dogma (1871) p. 744-745).
On January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to General Albert Pike about 'a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree which we shall select . . . Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown' (Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich (1989) p. 68; Lady Queenborough, pp. 208-209; Adriano Lemmi p. 97; John 18:20; Ephesians 5:11).
'Albert Pike organized the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Three supreme councils were established at Charleston, S.C., Rome, Italy, and Berlin, Germany' (Griffin, p. 69).
'Albert Pike took control of the Theosophical operations while Mazzini was in charge of the political operations' (Ibid p. 68).
'Pike was "Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry" while Mazzini was "Sovereign Chief of Political Action." (William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990) p. 123).
'On September 12, 1874, a decree confirmed a treaty signed by Armand Levi for the Jewish B'nai B'rith. Albert Pike authorized Jewish Freemasons to form a secret organization (Sovereign Patriarchal Council) to function side-by-side with the ordinary lodges headquartered in Hamburg, Germany' (Lady Queenborough, p. 288.).
Bernard Shaw noted that 'Compulsory labour, with death as the final penalty, is the keystone of Socialism . . .' and that opposition in a Socialist state would have to be an underground conspiracy working in secret 'until it is strong enough for an open test of strength.' In turn, 'the ruling clique is required to protect itself with a gigantic spy service' (Fahey, p. 98).
'The Federal Reserve was created in December, 1913 when Woodrow Wilson signed the Glass-Owen Federal Reserve Act. That bill had been the product of cloak-and-dagger machinations by Wall Street financiers and their political mouthpieces, many of them in league with the City of London. Wall Streeter Frank A. Vanderlip, in his autobiography 'From Farm Boy to Financier,' narrates that the secret conference which planned the Federal Reserve was 'as secret - indeed, as furtive - as any conspirator.' Vanderlip was one of the insiders invited to the Jekyl Island Club on the coast of Georgia in the autumn of 1910 by the Senator Nelson Aldrich, the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich also invited Henry Davison of J.P. Morgan & Co., and Benjamin Strong, the future Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Also on hand was Paul Warburg of the notorious international banking family, descended from the Del Banco family of Venice. As Vanderlip recounted, 'We were instructed to come one at a time and as unobtrusively as possible to the railway terminal on the New Jersey littoral of the Hudson, where Senator Aldrich's private car would be in readiness, attached to the rear end of a train for the South'.
In more recent times, Bill Moyers took a trip around the world with David Rockefeller. Later he wrote in 1990: 'Secrecy is the freedom zealots dream of: no watchman to check the door, no accountant to check the books, no judge to check the law. The secret government has no constitution. The rules it follows are the rules it makes up' (Bill Moyers, The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis (1990) p. 7).
Throughout history Jews have been the soul of every anti-Christian movement. There has not been a single important program or organization aimed at the overthrow of the Church in which they cannot be found lurking.
Thus, Jews were the main opposition to spreading the Faith at the time of the Apostles. They were the ones who urged Nero to begin his persecution of Christians. They started Gnosticism, the first great heresy that threatened to destroy the Church by confusing her doctrine. They have provided the inspiration and encouragement for almost every other heresy, from Arianism and Trinitarianism in the fourth century, to impersonating Protestantism in the sixteenth (chiefly by making always available their Talmud and Cabala, the sources and reservoirs of all anti-Christian blasphemy and filth, as is also most evident in the nature of the criminal behaviour and perverse attitudes plaguing society today). And in our own day, they conceived, brought into being, and provided the membership for Communism.
The Roman Catholic FALSE church however, although a child of apostate Jewry, has at certain periods in her history, and in the strongest possible terms, tried to warn and protect her children against these "adversaries of all men", as Saint Paul called them. Through the decrees of her Popes and Councils she has obliged the Jews to live in ghettos, forbidden them to have Christian servants or to hold public office, required them to wear orange hats so as to be easily recognized and avoided. At one time or other, the Jews have been banished from almost every country in Europe - and not by merciless tyrants but by great so-called Christian rulers, like Saint Henry II of Germany and Louis IX of France.
Not until the eighteenth century, when the Freemasons began to take over the governments of Europe, did the Jews really come into their own. Before that they had been obliged to work mostly underground, exerting their influence in hidden, subtle ways. But from this time on they worked in the open.
Being formed for the purpose of combating Christ and His Church, the Masons shrewdly realized that to wage this war effectively they must enlist the aid of that people who had always been the backbone of the anti-Christian army. Accordingly, the Mason's terminology, their secret rituals, their philosophy, were all taken over from the Jews. But the Masons' greatest stroke was to make use, not merely of these perfidious traditions, but of the vital, raging Jewish people themselves. As the Masons took over the nations of Europe, the Jews were released from the ghettos in which they had been for centuries confined, and turned out on society.
Thus was established the great alliance in the empire of Satan: the Masons and the Jews; the Masons with their power, controlling government and business, plotting and planning at the highest levels; the Jews with their influence, controlling the press and entertainment, insinuating their nervous, impure, infidel values into all society, and corrupting it to the core.

If you patiently read the following paragraphs of historical explanation, you may come to an understanding of "the hidden mysteries of nature and science". Then we can discuss Freemasonry, and you will see truths your Worshipful Master has never contemplated.From the Garden of Eden a battle has raged between two deadly enemies. The battle began when Lucifer incarnate the serpent, a man-like creature - great giant of a fellow, until God changed every bone in his body and put him upon his belly. Lucifer being God's right-hand man, knew that God's Plan was to build a kingdom. Knowing it would be inherited by Michael, (or Christ), he became jealous and set about gaining it for himself.
God commanded man to multiply, fill and subdue the earth, and to have dominion over it. But by his wisdom, Lucifer knew that as the seed of a horse can fertilize a donkey to produce the hybrid mule God never created, so the seed of the serpent could fertilize the woman and create a hybrid species uncreated by God. And whenever the offspring of Eve by the serpent intermingled with the seed of Adam, the progeny would always be serpent's seed, and NOT on the Book of Life. So he incarnate the serpent and seduced Eve.
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From that time to this there have been two races of people on this earth. The seed of Cain, and the seed of Adam. Cain was begotten of that wicked one (I John 3:12). Abel was the son of Adam who was the (only) son of God (Luke 3:38). God placed enmity, that's "hatred," between us. Lucifer knew that by miscegenation, he could exterminate the seed of Adam and thus fall heir to the kingdom of Christ.
In the time of Noah, God destroyed the world with the Flood because of miscegenation between the races of Adam and Cain. The serpent seed was in the Ark and it is with us to this day. It populated the land of Canaan, and afterwards spread throughout the world (Genesis 10:18). God made a Covenant with Abraham, and promised his seed would inherit the land of Canaan. As the Promise unfolded we find Abraham's seed was not to be Ishmael, but would come through his wife Sarah.
Their son, Isaac, had twins. Isaac's first-born, Esau, sold his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob. Esau then married two serpent-seed women and an Ishmaelite, whose offspring intermarried with the serpent seed. Thus Esau committed "genocide" for that was the end of the Adamic lineage in Esau whose nation became known as Edom.
Edom is "The people against whom the Lord has indignation forever" (Malachi 1:4). It disappeared from history through miscegenation with Israel and has assumed the name "Jew".
God told Moses, when Israel conquers the Land, they must utterly slay all of its serpent seed inhabitants. Israel were disobedient and eventually found themselves dominated and ruled by these people.
From before the days of Christ there was intense hatred between Rome and the "Jews". Jacob and Esau strove together in Rebecca's womb, and when Esau was born, Jacob grasped him by the heel. The hated and rivalry between these two enemies of God is to this day the root of earth's geopolitical struggles.
When the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom began worshiping the pagan trinity, He dispersed them by the Assyrians. Later when the Southern Kingdom adopted this pagan worship, God sent Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and the temple, and take the people captive to Babylon.
At the end of the captivity, many of the Hebrew people declined to return. Remaining in Babylon, they intermarried and assimilated, so that for the next fifteen hundred years, Babylon, and not Jerusalem, was Israel's theological headquarters. Whilst the returnees brought with them the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system (usury), calendar, the synagogue form of worship, rabbis, Cabbala, and the beginnings of the Talmud and Pharisaism.
John Hyrcanus, Judah's high priest, seeking perhaps to heal the breach between the descendants of Esau and Jacob, forcibly converted the Edomites (or Idumeans) to Judaism. In 37BC, Herod the Great succeeded John when the Romans made him ruler of all Judea - now called Idumea, because of the overwhelming number of Edomites in the population.
Herod was an Idumean who married into John's family, the Maccabees. Thus by the time of Christ, the majority of "Jews" were unrelated to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by blood, and certainly not by faith. The religion of the Judeans was no longer the Law and the Prophets, but "the traditions of the elders" which had been compiled as the Babylonian Talmud by about AD500. This Babylonian religion called "Pharisaism" became Talmudism. In turn, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, which became Modern Rabbinism we call "Judaism" today.
Lucifer was trying to steal the Kingdom from Jesus Christ by the same ploy he used in the garden of Eden. Miscegenation. Esau's descendants controlled the temple through the dominance of the Pharisees, and their Edomite king ruled under Rome. They had assumed or stolen the identity of these so-called "Chosen People" and were certainly not willing to receive a Messiah and King from the House of David. This was why Herod tried to kill all the boy children from two years of age and less (Matthew 2:16).

Who killed the Lord Jesus? The Bible says it was "the chief priests and Pharisees" who accused Him and cried, "His blood be upon us and upon our children". Their hatred has not abated over the centuries today pagan Esau/Edom, who is not even on the Book of Life, continues to affront God and to persecute Jacob/Israel.
The spirit of Satan permeated the four Gentile empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, destroying each from within. Finally he penetrating Christendom as once he infiltrated and usurped the Old Testament priesthood, transforming Imperial Roman rule into a FALSE religious power with the organization of the pagan Roman Catholic church at the First Nicea Council of AD325.
Any student of history knows that the few Christians who attended Nicea left before the Council sat, for apostate Jews who controlled the proceedings had arranged their usual Hegelian FALSE alternative of thesis and antithesis in the form of two heresies as Satan had set the Sadducees and the Pharisees before Jesus, and later Paul. Here he set the heretics Arius and his Unitarianism, and Athanasius and his Trinitarian, together with their followers, in opposition against one another, the Christians, and God.
The Babylonian form of worship was introduced into nominal, carnal Christianity, with the organization of the Roman Universal church. Their false trinity of gods, and false water baptism in three Titles, instead of in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Bible-denying Nicene Creed, and church-State union. Soon, the controlled State church was killing all who refused Rome's false trinity and water baptism. Their mark of the beast. Scores of millions were martyred through almost a thousand years of Dark Ages.
Throughout the past 2,000 years, Satan's military, in the guise of the self-styled Jews, (who are basically physical serpent's seed hybrid), has persecuted the natural seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are Hebrews and genuine Israelites. Then, in the shape of the Roman Catholic FALSE church, whose sons are spiritual serpent's seed, bastard-born children of her creed hybrid with God's Word, it has persecuted the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, the true Church made up of both Israelites and Gentiles.
Both of them hail from Babylon! And if you are a Mason who has studied the Craft, you will recognize that much of its allegory is drawn from pagan mythology. This mythology originated in Chaldea (Babylon), spread to Egypt, and from there the Hebrews received It. The major sources of information are in the records of Egyptian and Grecian culture. Egypt received her science and mathematics from the Chaldeans and Greece received hers from Egypt. Since the priests were in charge of teaching these sciences and they formed a part of their religion, we know how the Babylonish religion gained its strength in these two countries. And whenever one nation was able to subdue another, in due time the religion of the subduer became the religion of the subdued. As is well known, the Greeks had the same signs of the Zodiac as the Babylonians; and according to the ancient Egyptian records the Egyptians gave the Greeks their knowledge of polytheism. Thus the Babylonian mysteries spread from nation to nation until in Rome, China, India, and even in North and South America, we find the same basic worship.
The battle between "the children of God" and "the children of disobedience" is raging today. And there are myriad levels of "initiation," or battle fronts into this conspiracy, which is executing a secret plan of Darkness, even as God's Holy Bible is unfolding the mystery of Light or true Illumination. As a consequence we encounter numerous secret societies, or "societies with secrets," which all ultimately serve the same master.
The three great distinguishing principles of secret societies are secrecy, their peculiar emphasis on benevolence, and their system of regalia, badges, rank and formalities, as well as many incidental practices that are radically false, and plainly opposed to sound reason and the Word of God.
Jesus said to the high priest: "I spoke openly to the world; and in secret I have said nothing" (John 18:20).
Jesus foretold, "as it was in the days of Noah this accursed hybreeding will repeat in the days of My 'parousia' or Coming" (Matthew 24:37-41). Christ's parousia began in 1963 with the revelation of the Seven Seals which brought Him back to earth in Word form. And we have miscegenation between East and West on a scale not seen since the Flood. Multiracialism veiled as what is euphemistically called 'multiculturalism'. And the mixing of religions.
For twenty centuries the "Jews" have never ceased to reiterate their rejection of Jesus. With concentrated intensity they've bent themself to the task of assaulting the Church, which He founded, and in which He lives. This purpose, and their persecution of natural Israel has bound them together: into a stubborn, alien knot that refuses to be dissolved into any society.
Through a rabbit warren of secret societies, the old boundaries have been broken down and we see the open conspiracy drawn up by Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells, transformed in our sight. The enemies of the first and the second Adam are behind all this; rather than being "God's Chosen", they are His accursed! Satan is using them to work his purposes.
"Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant". The smug conceit of 'secret knowledge' with which she hoped to teach her innocent husband caused Eve to stumble and fall from grace. Eve had acquired carnal knowledge but with it came death. True Spiritual revelation (or faith) from God is Life and peace. God is trying to unveil His secrets through intimate faith, not second-hand learning. The prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 "finished the mystery of God" in 1963. God's channel of revelation is this prophetic ministry whereby Christ revealed the Seven Seals. He is not seeking to hide, but to unfold His mystery to whomsoever will.
Does it matter if there are secrets and secret societies? Is there anything wrong with being a member of a secret society?
When asked such questions those who belong to a secret society frequently deny their membership. When the motive for belonging is requested, it is said that their purpose in joining was for fellowship and connections; and the larger the secret society, the more connections. However, in the case of a secret society like Yale's Skull and Bones, we don't have a large membership. It is power that draws one to Bones.
Secret societies frequently 'determine in the depths the changes that take place on the surface' (Arthur Edward Waite, Quoted by A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 126).
William Edward Smith suggested: 'Anything that is good should not be kept secret; and anything kept secret is not to the benefit whether it be good or bad, as it tends to the breach of our Constitution and the establishment of arbitrary power' (in Christianity and Secret Societies (1936) 25; John 3:19).
Americas have long held to the view that things should be done in the public view. The very idea of a secret government, once unknown to Americans, is anathema. Yet there is a very long history of things being secret - including the convention that established the U.S. Constitution.
There is also a little-known history that includes the concept of unwritten laws and oral traditions with allegiance being made to unknown superiors and masters. This Babylonian form of hidden, all-pervading power was adopted by the Talmudic Jews and later infused as 'Christian theology' by their Roman Catholic system of false worship. Those who meet in secret conclave appear to have an aversion for paramount written constitutions, that every citizen is capable of reading and knowing. The secret society is generally based on a hierarchy afraid of discovery, with secret membership, meetings and oaths, claims of brotherhood and unknown superiors.
The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Federal Reserve Board, and the Trilateral Commission all meet in secret. However, membership lists are available for each of these groups except for the Bildebergers.
Perhaps one of the earliest stories we have learned is about the Greeks and their Trojan Horse. When the walls of Troy were found to be too strong to breach, the Greeks built a tall wooden Horse and left it outside the city. Jubilant at seeing the Greeks depart, the Trojans opened their gates and let the horse come in. They celebrated and slept. In the middle of the night the Greeks came out of the belly of the horse, opened the gates and took the city. The principle of vigilance and the surprise attack! Those who are weaker or wish to have lower casualties attack without warning, as cats sneak up on their prey which might otherwise outrun them.
The ancient Spartans built a military machine 'capable not only of suppressing revolts - but of nipping them in the bud' (Michael Cheilik, Ancient History 1969). Five magistrates, overseers, or ephori were elected each year (Ward, p. 103). The ephori were five secret despots or supreme judges of the system invented by Chilon, a wise man of Greece. They trained a number of young men as assassins and ordered them to be ready at any minute with daggers to waylay helots (enslaved Greeks) and butcher them in sufficient numbers to keep down the labor force to a schedule tabulated at their political councils. 'The ephori had boundless authority' (Osborne Ward, II The Ancient Lowly (1910), p. 95).
One of the functions of the ephori was to see that the ambuscades were carried out (Ward, p. 104). 'The ambuscades were accomplished at moments of the profoundest peace and when the innocent victims were productive' (Ward, p. 102). 'The ephori ordained that a number of young aristocratic men arm themselves with daggers and secretly sneak off into the mountains and jungles with knapsack of provisions. They were called together by governors. The toilers, who were without arms or any means of defense, were then set upon by the assassins' (Ward, p. 104).
Plutarch wrote: 'The governors of the youth ordered the shrewdest of them from time to time to disperse themselves in the country, provided only with daggers and some necessary provisions. In the day time they hid themselves and rested in the most private places they could find; but at night they sallied out into the roads and killed all the Helots they could meet with. Nay, sometimes by day, they fell upon them in the fields and murdered the ablest and strongest of them' (Ward, p. 105).
Periander advised Thrasybulus to cut off the tops of the tallest ears of corn. (Aristotle's Politics and Poetics 146, translated by Benjamin Jowett and Thomas Twining (1952), Book 5, X).
'The ephors armed certain young Spartans as a special and secret police (the krypteia) empowered to spy upon the people and to kill Helots at their discretion' (Durant at 80). If you read both Books of Maccabees, you will discover whom the Spartans really were. They were not Greeks, but Jews.
The Helots were spied upon all the time. At intervals the most outstanding of the Helots were killed 'as a way of cutting down leadership before it could organize a revolt' (Milton Meltzer at 87).* Plutarch mentions that sometimes large numbers of slaves were lured by the plea of a festival or hunt and when gathered to a convenient spot were fell upon and murdered by the hundreds to get rid of the dangerous element (Osbrone Ward, I The Ancient Lowly (1910) p. 86).
Thucydides mentioned the invitation being made to the Helots to pick out those who were most distinguished for freedom 'as it was thought that the first to claim their freedom would be the most high-spirited and the most apt to rebel. As many as two thousand were selected accordingly, who crowned themselves and went around the temples, rejoicing in their new freedom. The Spartans, however, soon afterwards did away with them, and no one ever knew how each of them perished' (Durant).
'Thucydides told of the time during the Peloponnesian war when there were no more soldiers to be had from among the Spartans, the Perioeci or recognized citizens. Recruiting was then done from the much more numerous laboring class. Thousands were marshalled and drilled into the army. They gallantly bore light arms and were victorious. Over 2,000 proved worthiest of liberty.
These were enfranchised and marched into a temple or field to take the oath of freedom. Instead they were massacred. The ephori made a secret declaration of war and armed the young men with daggers. All disappeared forever' (Ward, pp. 105-108).
'The Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine also has a claim to extraordinary connections, like the Jesuits, to world events. Indeed, some of the major figures associated with the Order have included Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Frederick the Great (1712-1786), Gabriel Riqueti Mirabeau (1749-1791), Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) and even Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)' a Thirty-Third Degree Mason (Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy (1989) p. 93).
'To a state of abnegation, Which shall in all things make them willing tools; In short, reduce them to a set of fools' (Jesuit Saying, Quoted by Charles William Heckethorn, Vol. I, The Secret Societies (1965), p. 285).
'In 1534 the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) (a Marrano) and five associates' (James Trager, The People's Chronology (1979) p. 176).
'During the 16th century, confession became a religious duty that was required to be diligently observed' (Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits (1975) p. 63). 'Through the confessional the Jesuits secured lasting political influence' (ibid p. 34).
'King Ferdinand was dominated by his Jesuit confessor' (ibid p. 36). 'The main two weapons used by Loyola's order were: 1) to be the confessors of the mighty and those in high places and 2) to be the educators of their children' (ibid p. 27).
'From the beginning the order was prepared to treat the sinner gently. Forgiveness lapsed into slackness' (ibid p. 63). 'The maxim was applied that "the end justifies the means"' (ibid p. 32).
'The Professi formed the fourth and highest grade of the Jesuit Order; they alone were initiated into all the secrets of the Order' (Charles William Hackethorn, I The Secret Societies (1965) p. 286). 'The Jesuit oath states: In the name of Christ crucified, I swear to burst the bonds that yet unite me to father, mother, brothers, sisters, relations, friends; to the king, magistrates, and any other authority to which I may ever have sworn fealty, obedience, gratitude, or service. I renounce . . . the place of my birth, henceforth to exist in another sphere. I swear to reveal to my new superior, whom I desire to know, what I have done, thought, read, learnt, or discovered, and to observe and watch all that comes under my notice. I swear to yield myself up to my superior, as if I were a corpse, deprived of life and will. I finally swear to flee temptation, and to reveal all I succeed in discovering, well aware that lightening is not more rapid and ready than the dagger to reach me wherever I may flee" (ibid pp. 287-288).
'The Jesuits openly advocated tyrannicide whenever the tyrant was against them' (ibid p. 289). 'The Book of Secreta Monita contained the Secret Instructions of the Society of Jesus' (ibid p. 289). 'At the time of the founding of the Jesuits, Germany "had completely fallen away from Popery. . ."' (Theodor Friesinger, The Jesuits: A Complete History of their Open and Secret Proceedings from the Foundation of the Order to the Present Time (1892) p. 211).
'Francis Bacon was a Rosicrucian initiate' (Nesta H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924) p. 97). 'In fact, he founded the Rose Croix order in England' (Lady Queenborough, p. 153). 'His book, The New Atlantis, was published a year after his death in 1627' (Howard, p. 74). 'In The New Atlantis he referred to keepers of a secret tradition that Moses by a secret cabala ordained the laws of Bensalem . . .' (Webster, p. 119). '(Bensalem was Bacon's fictional island). He formulated a philosophical system' (J.N. Larned III, Larneds History of the World (1914) p. 651).
'Bacon influenced American educationalists such as John Dewey. He was a Utopian who created a blueprint for a Golden Age. As Chancellor of England, he persuaded King James to issue charters for English colonies in the New World' (Howard, p. 76). 'The element of secrecy is particularly relevant in the world of money'. Francis Bacon once said: 'If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master'.
The close relationship between national banks and government debt historically has been kept secret because it is a basically immoral arrangement of mutual greed and convenience: 'A banking system is so closely associated with public borrowing and with what is almost the oldest and most jealously guarded function of the state, the issue of money, that governments can seldom afford to leave it entirely unlicensed and uncontrolled' (Sir John Clapham, The Bank of England 2 (1945); 34 L. Q. Review (1918). 'The State soon found that its business was one of the undertakings which a bank would finance for privileges which it would give.'
A long-existing and self-perpetuating tax-immune internationalist and transnational group that uses fronts with inter-locking corporate and or fraternal groups of individuals, whose membership is either secret or semi-secret, with undisclosed ownership shares, has usurped the sovereignty of borrowing national governments (who serve their lenders). It includes largely unrevealed yet reported campaign contributors who also control the media and press, all major political parties and dictates presidential appointments. It abhors the direct issuance of money by elected officials and through the creation of a system of privately-owned and controlled central banks holds all the world's gold and all loan and mortgage paperwork. Its business is conducted in secret meetings which determine the future of all national economies and the timing of expansion (through loans) or contraction (through tight money policy - no loans).
It exercises an exclusive monopoly on the issuance of money created out of thin air and issued solely as debt, does not create money to repay interest but lives off perpetual national debts that consume future income, which, under international law cannot be repudiated even by an internal revolution. At least for others, it tends to be pro-bureaucracy, pro-abortion/population control, pro-government education, anti-family, anti-nationalist, anti-inheritance, anti-private property, and anti-Jesus Christ. This group can demand special privileges, and even military force, to collect national debts. It plans to soon accomplish global disarmament (of both civilians and nations) and have a monopoly on force (including nuclear weapons). It has the privilege of a guaranteed untaxable income enforced by liens on all public and personal property and collected by the coercive force of the taxing structure of the different governments.
When the Whig politicians submitted the merchant's plan to the English Parliament in 1691, it included the following components:
1) the names of those who had loaned money to the government in the past seventy years were to remain secret,
2) the charter members of the Bank of England would be granted a perpetual right to appoint the Directors,
3) the Banks would make loans to the value of Ten Pounds for every One Pound it had on deposit in its vaults by the way of paper currency,
4) the Bank would be permitted to consolidate the national debt and secure payments of amounts due by way of direct taxation or levy upon the people until the debt was fully discharged,
5) that no other Bank would be the agent for the constitutional treasury of England, and
6) that no Bank would be incorporated or chartered except with the approval or participation of the Bank of England. (F. Fred Kirkland & Paul L. Burton, Creative Fraud (1976) p. 25).
The first Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was founded in England in 1717 - twenty-three years after the founding of the Bank of England which had a secret court of directors. The creation of this lodge is a milestone in the transformation of what was a trade guild into a secret society. The Rothschild family became allied with Freemasonry in the late 1700's. By co-operating with secret societies they were able to expand their banking operations from Germany, networking the political contacts of Freemasonry, which was already well established throughout the continent. Freemasonry, on the other hand, needed money to finance its efforts to build a New World Order, and the Rothschilds would be able to provide such funds.
Proceedings of the U.S. Anti-Masonic Convention (1830 p. 33), declare Freemasonry was instituted, 'to dupe the simple for the benefit of the crafty'. Freemasons are intensely focused on maintaining secrecy and will retaliate against those who violate their oaths or transgress against brother Masons. The legend of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic Christ figure, describes how Hiram was killed while keeping a Masonic secret. His brother Freemasons killed Hiram's assailants and raised Hiram from the grave. Freemasons are encouraged to model themselves after Hiram and hold their Masonic secrets. If they remain true to their oaths, like Hiram, they should expect to be avenged for such attacks and rewarded for their fidelity to the brotherhood. While cases exist suggesting the murder of opponents of Freemasonry, Masonic rituals state that 'the more effective penalty for doing anything displeasing to Masonry is to be shunned by the entire Brotherhood, a penalty sufficient to bring a man to ruin, the more certainly so as Freemasonry has expanded into every profession and every branch of society' (Stephan Knight, The Brotherhood (1984) p. 31).
Like other secret societies, the Freemasons have their own written constitutions. In the Scottish Rite petition for admission to the mysteries, question number 26 asks: 'Do you promise, upon your honor, to strictly adhere to and be governed by the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas and by the By-Laws of this Lodge?' Question number 29 asks: 'Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you will cheerfully conform to the ancient established usages and customs of Masonry?'
Edmona Ronayue described the requirement of obedience to all laws and edicts: 'First, the candidate is made to swear eternal obedience to all Masonic laws and edicts, and without having the slightest knowledge of any one of them; then the law peremptorily excluding the name of Christ is submitted for his acceptance, and, lastly, in perfect harmony with the requirements of his Masonic obligation, a blind implicit unwavering obedience to this law is demanded of him whether right or wrong' (The Master's Carpet (1879).
'It is even claimed that: The teachings of Freemasonry . . . are summarily this: Obey Masonic law, and live' (Rev. C.G. Finney, The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry (1869) p.2130.
'It has been said: Those who over-step the Constitution of the US government by joining secret societies and take their judicial oaths to secretly uphold their members in so far as they can when their design and purposes conflict with our Constitutions and laws should be treated as traitors of the government and deprived of their franchise as citizens' (William Edward Smith, Christianity and Secret Societies, (1936) 25).
While not overtly encouraged to participate in criminal activity, Freemasons were sworn to protect their brother Freemasons should they engage in immoral or criminal conduct. The Royal Arch Mason swore, 'I will aid and assist a companion Royal Arch Mason, when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause, so far as to extricate him from the same, if in my power, whether he be right or wrong . . . A companion Royal Arch Mason's secrets, given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable, in my breast as in his own, murder and treason not excepted, etc.' (The Address of the U.S. Anti-Masonic Convention (1830) p. 9).
In summary, according to Freemasonry's critics, Freemasonry is a brotherhood or more aptly a cult which mandates secrecy and obedience within its ranks, affords protection and advancement of the interests of its members, punishes its enemies and turns a blind eye to criminal behavior committed by its members against non-members. Freemasonry provides a value system and an organizational structure which works to put brother Freemasons in positions of power in all organizations and can be used by its members for the most immoral and illegal purposes. Its foundation appears to rest upon the willingness of its members to selfishly exchange their ethics for personal advantage. Its strength appears to lie in a pervasive presence, unseen by those outside the brotherhood, working in concert to protect and expand their wealth and power.
If we believe the early 19th century critics of Freemasonry, how would we expect Freemasons to respond to a Kennedy assassination conspiracy involving brother Freemasons? Most Freemasons might never be aware of the conspiracy and could respond according to their individual feelings. If they were made aware of a Masonic link, Royal Arch Freemasons would be bound by their oaths to maintain their brothers' secrets, 'murder and treason not excepted' and warn their brothers of any threat of exposure. Royal Arch Freemasons could be expected to defend their brother Freemasons and support any cover-up of the conspiracy. Royal Arch Freemasons would use all the tools available to them to frustrate, confuse and discredit anyone to challenge their story. Literally millions of American Freemasons of all ranks could be called upon, as needed and with few questions, to quietly work to remove any threat to the assassins and their control of the government. Those Freemasons who were called upon to help would keep their Masonic secrets and could expect to be rewarded for their fidelity to Freemasonry. Any Freemasons who violated their Masonic confidences would invite the wrath of the brotherhood.
As a student, Weishaupt had studied the Greek mystics: 'While an undergraduate Weishaupt studied the ancient pagan religions and was familiar with the Eleusinian mysteries and the theories of the Greek mystic Pythagorus. As a student he drafted the constitution for a secret society modelled on the pagan mystery schools but it was not until he was initiated into Freemasonry that Weishaupt's plan for the ultimate secret society was spawned' (Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy (1989) p. 61).
Weishaupt said: 'Behold our secret. Remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil' (Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 81).
His philosophy has been continued: 'To summarize: The Communist code of ethics is based upon the principle that the ends of revolution justify any means, no matter how lawless, violent, dishonest, or indecent from the standpoint of accepted American standards of morality' (House Report No. 2, 76th Congress, 1st Session 26-29).
'No morality seemed to be a key foundation for the scheme. The group was founded on the premise that the end justifies the means and that the good of the Order justifies calumnies, poisoning, murders, perjuries, treasons, rebellions and all that men call crime' (Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution, p. 297).
Disbelief remains as the single biggest factor working in Freemasonry's favor. Decent folk find it incomprehensible that there could be individuals so evil as to actually try to take control of the world on behalf of Lucifer. In Freemasonry everything has a double-meaning. Thus the candidate is practicing the occult throughout his degree work without knowing it. False interpretations are given to him to prevent him from suspecting the Craft to be anything less than 'on the square'. Another factor is that it rarely, if ever, does anything covert under its own name. In order to advance its agenda it establishes other organizations, to which it gives special assignments.
Jesus Christ was recognized to novices as the Grand Master and 'if Christ exhorted his disciples to despise riches it was in order to prepare the world for the community of goods that should do away with property' (ibid p. 12).
Later, at the grade of Priest, the initiate was told that 'the pretended religion of Christ was nothing else than the work of priests, of imposture and of tyranny' (ibid p. 13).
'The success of socialism seems tied directly to eliminating religion' (William Riley Halstead, Civil and Religious Forces (1890) p. 165-166).
Weishaupt, like Lenin and Marx, early publicly proclaimed that the State would wither away. In private the Illuminati elite believed 'that the average man was too stupid to govern himself and that a self-appointed inner-circle or Illuminati would secretly rule' (Robert Henry Goldsborough, Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage - 1989).
The United States of America was a republic. However, the secret destiny of America was the accomplishment of a democratic form of government that illegally usurped the republic. When it was first settled, the purpose was to all for a new way of life 'free from the religious intolerance and political despotism that held Europe in its clutches' (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America (1958) p. 129).

The Philadelphia convention adjourned after five months of secret sessions. Madison's Journal of the Federal Convention was not published until 1840 - after everyone who was at the 1787 Convention had died (Richard B. Morris, The Constitution (1985) p. 10). As originally drafted in the secret proceedings, the 1787 U.S. Constitution left out a public bill of rights altogether.
Until the 1820's, college education was generally narrow and theological in character. However, a rising tide of relatively liberal thought on campus led to a new, secular liberal arts orientation strongly supporting the era of material progress that was to transform the continent during the second half of the century.
What they would learn is that someone else told you what to think about, when to think about it, how long to think about it, when to stop thinking about it, when to think of something else, and someone else sets up the secrets.
'The Carbonari secret society in Italy in the early 1820s was more than just a power in the land, and boasted branches and sub-societies as far afield as Poland, France and Germany' (Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies (1961) p.100).
Their origin was claimed to be in Scotland where they took to charcoal-burning to avoid suspicion of ulterior motives. They set up their own three-branch government and obeyed only their own laws (Ibid p. 101). The object of the society was to set up a body of men subject to the orders of a central body and to take action even against established governments: From the earliest recorded period of its existence, it formed a state within a state (Ibid p. 103. The Degree of Grand Elect was conferred on a candidate who was thirty-three years and three months old (the age of Christ on the day of His Death) (Heckethorn, I, p. 163). It was revealed in the catechism that the object of the organization was political and that it aimed at the overthrow of all tyrants.
The oath was given:
'I, a free citizen of Ausonia, swear before the Grand Master of the Universe, and the Grand Elect Good Cousin, to devote my whole life to the triumph of the principles of liberty, equality and progress, which are the soul of all the secret and public acts of Carbonarism. I promise that, if it be impossible to restore the reign of liberty without a struggle, I will fight to the death. I consent, should I prove false to my oath, to be slain by my Good Cousins Grand Elects; to be fastened to the cross in a lodge, naked, crowned with thorns; to have my belly torn open, the entrails and heart taken out and scattered to the winds. Such are our conditions; swear!' The Seventh most secret degree (Principli Summo Patriarcho) revealed the real object of Carbonarism and that its aims were identical with those of the Illuminati . . . (Ibid p. 167). The candidate was sworn to destroy every government whether despotic or democratic (Ibid p. 168).
'The Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona' (Emanuel M. Josephson, The "Federal" Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers (1968) p. 4-5). The Jesuits were finally reinstated by Pope Pius VII in August, 1814.
In 1829 a secret society, modelled after the Carbonari, was formed to establish compulsory public education in the United States.
'Karl Marx, a key communist propagandist, joined the highly secret Satanist Church' (A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 91).
'In 1856 Mazzini initiated Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) into the Carbonari. She was also an initiate of the Order of the Druses. In 1866 she was fought under Garibaldi and was wounded at Mentana (Lady Queenborough, p. 530). Blavatsky wrote that: It is Spinoza . . . who furnishes perhaps the truest key to a portion of this unwritten secret. While Moses forbids graven images of Him whose name is not to be taken in vain, Spinoza goes further. He clearly infers that God must not be so much as described. Human language is totally unfit to give an idea of this Being who is altogether unique' (Isis Unveiled (1877) p. 308).
'Some Spinosists fall into a senseless sort of Skepticism, called Egotism, where every one fancies himself to be the only Being that exists. Madame Blavatsky said in a moment of frankness: What is one to do, when in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them? . . . For almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, and the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely it is to succeed' [like the City of London's 9/11 hoax] (Robert Keith Spenser, The Cult of the All-Seeing Eye (1964) p.48).
'In 1871 Pike copyrighted his 861-page book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry' (Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand (1985) p. 223).
Albert Pike stated: 'All true dogmatic religions come from the Kabbala and lead back to it; all that is scientific and great in the religious dream of all the illuminated such as Bachme, Swedenborg, St. Martin, and others similar, is borrowed from the Kabbala. All the Masonic associations owe their secrets and symbols to it' (Morals and Dogma (1871) p. 744-745).
On January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to General Albert Pike about 'a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree which we shall select . . . Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown' (Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich (1989) p. 68; Lady Queenborough, pp. 208-209; Adriano Lemmi p. 97; John 18:20; Ephesians 5:11).
'Albert Pike organized the New and Reformed Palladian Rite. Three supreme councils were established at Charleston, S.C., Rome, Italy, and Berlin, Germany' (Griffin, p. 69).
'Albert Pike took control of the Theosophical operations while Mazzini was in charge of the political operations' (Ibid p. 68).
'Pike was "Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry" while Mazzini was "Sovereign Chief of Political Action." (William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990) p. 123).
'On September 12, 1874, a decree confirmed a treaty signed by Armand Levi for the Jewish B'nai B'rith. Albert Pike authorized Jewish Freemasons to form a secret organization (Sovereign Patriarchal Council) to function side-by-side with the ordinary lodges headquartered in Hamburg, Germany' (Lady Queenborough, p. 288.).
Bernard Shaw noted that 'Compulsory labour, with death as the final penalty, is the keystone of Socialism . . .' and that opposition in a Socialist state would have to be an underground conspiracy working in secret 'until it is strong enough for an open test of strength.' In turn, 'the ruling clique is required to protect itself with a gigantic spy service' (Fahey, p. 98).
'The Federal Reserve was created in December, 1913 when Woodrow Wilson signed the Glass-Owen Federal Reserve Act. That bill had been the product of cloak-and-dagger machinations by Wall Street financiers and their political mouthpieces, many of them in league with the City of London. Wall Streeter Frank A. Vanderlip, in his autobiography 'From Farm Boy to Financier,' narrates that the secret conference which planned the Federal Reserve was 'as secret - indeed, as furtive - as any conspirator.' Vanderlip was one of the insiders invited to the Jekyl Island Club on the coast of Georgia in the autumn of 1910 by the Senator Nelson Aldrich, the father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Aldrich also invited Henry Davison of J.P. Morgan & Co., and Benjamin Strong, the future Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Also on hand was Paul Warburg of the notorious international banking family, descended from the Del Banco family of Venice. As Vanderlip recounted, 'We were instructed to come one at a time and as unobtrusively as possible to the railway terminal on the New Jersey littoral of the Hudson, where Senator Aldrich's private car would be in readiness, attached to the rear end of a train for the South'.
In more recent times, Bill Moyers took a trip around the world with David Rockefeller. Later he wrote in 1990: 'Secrecy is the freedom zealots dream of: no watchman to check the door, no accountant to check the books, no judge to check the law. The secret government has no constitution. The rules it follows are the rules it makes up' (Bill Moyers, The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis (1990) p. 7).
Throughout history Jews have been the soul of every anti-Christian movement. There has not been a single important program or organization aimed at the overthrow of the Church in which they cannot be found lurking.
Thus, Jews were the main opposition to spreading the Faith at the time of the Apostles. They were the ones who urged Nero to begin his persecution of Christians. They started Gnosticism, the first great heresy that threatened to destroy the Church by confusing her doctrine. They have provided the inspiration and encouragement for almost every other heresy, from Arianism and Trinitarianism in the fourth century, to impersonating Protestantism in the sixteenth (chiefly by making always available their Talmud and Cabala, the sources and reservoirs of all anti-Christian blasphemy and filth, as is also most evident in the nature of the criminal behaviour and perverse attitudes plaguing society today). And in our own day, they conceived, brought into being, and provided the membership for Communism.
The Roman Catholic FALSE church however, although a child of apostate Jewry, has at certain periods in her history, and in the strongest possible terms, tried to warn and protect her children against these "adversaries of all men", as Saint Paul called them. Through the decrees of her Popes and Councils she has obliged the Jews to live in ghettos, forbidden them to have Christian servants or to hold public office, required them to wear orange hats so as to be easily recognized and avoided. At one time or other, the Jews have been banished from almost every country in Europe - and not by merciless tyrants but by great so-called Christian rulers, like Saint Henry II of Germany and Louis IX of France.
Not until the eighteenth century, when the Freemasons began to take over the governments of Europe, did the Jews really come into their own. Before that they had been obliged to work mostly underground, exerting their influence in hidden, subtle ways. But from this time on they worked in the open.
Being formed for the purpose of combating Christ and His Church, the Masons shrewdly realized that to wage this war effectively they must enlist the aid of that people who had always been the backbone of the anti-Christian army. Accordingly, the Mason's terminology, their secret rituals, their philosophy, were all taken over from the Jews. But the Masons' greatest stroke was to make use, not merely of these perfidious traditions, but of the vital, raging Jewish people themselves. As the Masons took over the nations of Europe, the Jews were released from the ghettos in which they had been for centuries confined, and turned out on society.
Thus was established the great alliance in the empire of Satan: the Masons and the Jews; the Masons with their power, controlling government and business, plotting and planning at the highest levels; the Jews with their influence, controlling the press and entertainment, insinuating their nervous, impure, infidel values into all society, and corrupting it to the core.
These two, which in every other respect are poles apart, have joined together for one reason: the destruction of the Church. And every Masonic-Jewish scheme has this end in view. Thus, their advocacy of Internationalism is partly due to the fact that they have loyalty to no country, but mainly it is an attempt to fight the Church on a scale as large, as catholic, as the Church is herself.

But by the Grace of God, His true Church is a "little Flock", and not the organized rabble of Rome and her once-Protestant harlot daughters. Very few people in this world have ever met a Christian - in the sense of a born-again saint. And no-one in any of the secret societies or man-made religious systems would know what to look for, what the faith is, or how to gauge It.
The Masons' supreme, ultimate objective, so they mysteriously declare, is to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. This is of course, an objective which the Jews share. And though it may sound innocent, it is, in its implications, terrifying.
The Temple of Jerusalem is the traditional center of Jewish worship, which was destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans, in fulfillment of Our Lord's prophecy that "there shall not be left a stone upon a stone." The establishment of the state of Israel gives the Masons and the Jews their first opportunity to try and achieve their objective of rebuilding this Temple.
However, when they do so there will not be one Gentile Christian on earth to see it.
For the Temple was destroyed as a stark, unmistakable sign of God's wrath upon the Jews. It will be rebuilt, the Bible tells us so. But its reconstruction will NOT be of the Lord, for the mystic Body of Christ, the Church, is His Temple. Then the Antichrist will appear. He will succeed in all the Masons and Jews have determined. He will rebuild a Temple in Jerusalem, where he will sit as if he were God, and FORCE the mark of the beast. masons.htm
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